Probably because I had several upcoming workshops, more than usual, that were
canceled/postponed due to lockdowns in various countries.
Or maybe I just knew deep down that only a pandemic could get me to
focus long enough to actually get it done.
I’ve just finished the tenth video, doing one a week, with many more to
come. Each is just about 10 minutes long, with exercises that will take 15-20
minutes of your time and get you writing that book or script you’re always
wanted to write. Might as well get some great writing out of this!
It’s a lot of work, and I’m writing full-time on the first book in a new
series at the same time. There was a steep learning curve with the editing
software, and some of the equipment I could really use is still on backorder
because of excessive demand in these days of Zoom - everything.
Also I was sick
for weeks, most likely with the thing,
so doing anything productive is a minor miracle.
But I’ve finally realized that getting the workshop fully recorded is
like writing a book. You just do one chapter at a time until it’s done. Right?
Eventually you reach a state of critical mass where the book is more real than
not real, and you can’t imagine not finishing.
Here’s the Introduction:
And here’s the very fevery Lesson #1. I should have been in bed!! Even
the light looks hot.
Each next video should play after the one you’re watching is finished.
Hope to see some of you posting in the Comments of the channel! I'm happily incorporating movie requests into the videos.
And besides that, how's your lockdown going? Really hoping everyone is staying safe and well.
- Alex
The workbook is a full course in writing a novel or script in any genre. All the tricks I’ve learned in my years of writing and teaching—including ten full movie breakdowns.
Writing Love is a shorter version of the workbook, using examples from love stories, romantic suspense, and romantic comedy - available in e formats for just $2.99.
- Smashwords (includes online viewing and pdf file)
- Amazon/Kindle
- Barnes & Noble/Nook
- Amazon UK
- Amazon DE
The workbook is a full course in writing a novel or script in any genre. All the tricks I’ve learned in my years of writing and teaching—including ten full movie breakdowns.
Writing Love is a shorter version of the workbook, using examples from love stories, romantic suspense, and romantic comedy - available in e formats for just $2.99.

- Amazon/Kindle
- Barnes & Noble/Nook
- Amazon UK
- Amazon DE
You can also sign up to get free movie breakdowns here:
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